Friday, 24 December 2010

Yahoo replaced Google as the most popular U.S. website

December 24 evening news, the latest data research company comScore, in November of this year, Yahoo replaced Google as the most popular U.S. website. This is the first time since Yahoo's go-ahead from August Google.

comScore data show that in November this year, Yahoo's unique visitors, 1.81 million, topped the list. Instead, Google is 179 million, ranking second. Yahoo from August to October has been ranked Google, the November Zeyi 2.2 million unique visitors victory over Google. Microsoft is 176 million, ranking third. Facebook Fourth, the unique visitors of 1.52 million. AOL fifth, unique visitors, 1.14 million.

In recent months, Yahoo and Google's unique visitors nearly as much. October, Google's unique visitors, 1.81 million, while Yahoo's 1.80 billion. And 11 months, Yahoo has surpassed Google.

In terms of discounts website, buy website Groupon unique visitors reached 10 million, growth of 54%. CouponCabin second, unique visitors to 8.8 million, growth of 400%. Coupons third, unique visitors to 640 million. Fourth, the unique visitors to 5.4 million, growth of nearly 1,000%. Fifth, the unique visitors of 500 million, growth of 20%.

In terms of retail sites, Amazon ranking, Nov. unique visitors to 84 million, growth of 4%. Wal-Mart ranked second, unique visitors to 51.8 million, growth of 44%. Apple third, unique visitors to 40.3 million. Target Fourth, the unique visitors to 39.8 million, while the fifth Best Buy.

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